Each year, starting mid-October, the Phantom hits our neighborhood. For the past five years, since our neighborhood began, we all participate in a Halloween tradition of filling bags of goodies (and a few spooky treats) and leaving them on our neighbors' doorsteps. But here's the fun part.... it is done at dark, and you can't be seen - you ring the doorbell and hide, leaving the treat bag on the front porch in front of their door. Once your house is hit, you have to hang a pumpkin on your mailbox, so you're not hit again and everyone gets a turn. Boy, do the kids (and parents) get into it - often dressing in camoflage. It has turned into such a game that flashlights are kept at the front doors so they're quickly grabbed and the kids run around their yard trying to catch their Phantom. So freaking funny! I can't even tell you how excited the kids get to play and/or try to catch the Phantom. Even Allison got into it this year & she was so proud of herself that she stayed out of sight.
Maybe the Phantom can hit your neighborhood this year.....
Here's the poem that gets attached to the treat bag:
The Phantom Ghost...
The Phantom Ghost has come to town
To leave you some goodies, I see you have found.
If you do not want a curse to call
Continue this greeting, this Phantom call.
First, post a pumpkin where it can be seen
(On the door of your mailbox), leave it ‘til Halloween.
This will scare other Phantoms who may visit
Be sure to participate - don’t be a fis-bidget.
Second make two treats, and two notes like this
Deliver them to two other neighbors who may have been missed.
Don’t let them see you! Be sure to sneak, no doubt
And make sure they put their pumpkins out!
Next you have only one day to act, so be quick!
Leave it at doors where the Phantom hasn’t hit.
Deliver at dark when there is no light
Ring the doorbell, run and stay out of sight!
And last, but not least, come join in the season
Don’t worry, be happy. You need no good reason.
Be cool, have fun and remember - DON’T BE SEEN
Share in the Spirit of HALLOWEEN