
Ramblings of a tired woman...

Oh my God is it December yet? I'm smack in the mid semester crunch & I'm feeling the squeeze. Today we had an exam that covered a ridiculous amount of information - I've studied so much in the past week my brain hurts. Now I'm wanting to go into crash mode and not look at another 30 pound book for a few days, but no time to slow down, there's a list as long as my arm of things that I need to accomplish for tomorrow's lecture and next week's debate. Oh yeah, a debate in my medical ethics class. Lucky me. I feel like doing that like tap dancing on a mine field. I don't need to polish up my debating skills since I debate daily with my son - really, I'm good.

The nurse that I worked with during clinical this week was a real snot (and I'm being kind) - she wouldn't make eye contact with me and spoke to me (or should I say, at me) like I was an idiot. To top it off she was at least ten years younger than me - for some reason it bothered me more because she was so young. Ugh, it's not the end of the world, it just made for a miserable few days.

On a happier note, I'm several weeks into my pediatric rotation & I'm loving it. LOVING IT. My clinical group was assigned to the oncology unit and I was apprehensive about working with kids with cancer, but it's nothing what I had expected. Kids are awesomely resilient - even when sick they can find enjoyment out of little things, like playing a board game or taking a wagon ride. Ok, just typing about those amazing kids makes me feel guily about whining about my test, the impending debate and nurse Ratchet.

moving on.....


At 8:48 PM , Blogger wzgirl said...

Wow! You've really come a lonnng way. I remember when you were just starting your first day...before you know it, you'll have Nurse Ratchett asking you questions about patients.

At 10:40 PM , Blogger Cavatica said...

Your clinical work sounds exciting!

At 7:25 PM , Blogger Kristin said...

makes me want to be a nurse... what an awesome calling!


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