
Who do me match?

I know the post title isn't proper grammer, but, it's the question my little lady has been asking me lately. All. The. Time. I'm thinking her recent curiosity is stemmed from the fact that everyone who knows my husband comments on how much my little man looks like him. Who would have thought that such a little girl, just shy of three, would pick up on this. But, she hears EVERYTHING.

The conversation goes like this:

Allie: Mommy, who do me match?
Me: What honey?
Allie: Mommy, what color are Brent's eyes?
Me: Blue.
Allie: What color are Daddy's eyes?
Me: Blue.
Allie: What color are your eyes?
Me: Blue.
Allie: What color are my eyes?
Me: Brown.
Allie: NO! My eyes are blue too.
Me: You have beautiful brown eyes.
Allie: NO! My eyes are blue like yours!
Me: You want your eyes to look blue too?
Allie: Yes. (she says with a sad pouty face)
Me: Well guess what? Your hair is brown AND my hair is brown!
Allie: YEAH! WE MATCH! (She then gets so excited to hear more)
Me: Yes, and you are a girl and I am a girl.
Me: And your middle name is Marie and my middle name is Marie.
Allie: YEAH! WE MATCH! (She then gives me the biggest bear hug)

I seriously have considered calling my eye doctor and ordering brown contact lenses. But, I'm not going to. It makes my heart ache to know that Allie is trying to find out who she "matches" - I just always want her to know that she matches us perfectly.


At 10:24 PM , Blogger wzgirl said...

Oh! She wants to be same-same. There are wonderful ways that she does match. Beautiful ways. And, you are the Mommy that will show her how.


At 8:40 AM , Blogger Katie J said...

Oh Tammy, we have that going on in our house too. Luckily, Hubby has different color eyes than mine, so none of us "match" in that way. Buttons still wants to have blue eyes like mine and I tell her I'd love to have her dark brown eyes too. So, we do a "trade" and laugh while we pretend. We also talk about the other ways that we do match and she does love that. I often wear the same color as she does and that always makes her smile.

And I also know bigger questions are on the horizon. However, we've been talking with her all along about adoption and birth parents, so hopefully that helps her. It's hard, ain't it?

At 9:54 AM , Blogger Cavatica said...

Aw, how sweet, yet painful. Sounds like you're handling it well. I'm so glad for role models like you. :-)

At 7:01 PM , Blogger Kristin said...

We've had a lot of these types of conversation... like you, we focus on all the ways we are a family and are connected.

At 10:24 AM , Blogger LindaJ said...

How cute is that? Looks to me like you need to adopt again (hee hee!!)


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