
Fairy princesses and such

Warning: this post is all about me (but it is my blog). Anyhoo, I've never been a girly-girl. Even though I have two sisters and was raised by a single mom, as a kid I preferred buiding forts and riding bikes over barbies. Have always been a jeans and sneakers girl. Yes, I wear make-up and jewelry (minimal to both), but I'd rather put hot pokers in my eyes than to sport pantyhose or uncomfortable clothing (guess it's good that I'll be working in a field where I get to wear scrubs - SWEET!). OK, I digress.

The real girly stuff is foreign to me and low and behold, my daughter LOOOOOVES anything princessey. If I dare try to put sweat pants on my daughter, watch out - like cryptonite to Superman. Oiy, the drama. THE DRAMA. It's all about the dresses. Again, being raised in an only female household, you'd think I'd be prepared. Well, I'm not. But I'm trying. Every day I put my game face on and act (act, being the operative word here) that I enjoy playing princess and prince make-believe with Allie. It's hard to hold my tongue and not say "don't wait for your prince to come honey, you just need to rely on yourself & if he shows up ask him to join you, not rescue you." But, of course, I just smile and play along. It's just a game, right? I REALLY want to be supportive of ANYTHING my children love (anything legal, that is). But, this issue rips me from my comfort zone.

Note the picture of above with Princess Allison is sleeping in her favorite attire - tutu, high heels and necklaces. Her tiara fell on the floor. Seriously.

I've had this discussion with a dear friend (hi KatieJ) about what the label "princess" entails - weakness, sense of entitlement, bratty. And although my daughter prefers to wear aything pink, frilly or gaudy, she is none of those things. Miss Allie fell asleep in the playroom yesterday after an afternoon playing outside - she was flying a kite, riding her bike, playing tag and getting dirty with her brother. Cool.

I'll never enjoy the girly-girl stuff, but I'll always like seeing my daughter find things that make her happy. And how cute is that picture anyway?


At 7:50 PM , Blogger Promises to Keep said...

You know it is funny, I remember having this conversation with you about "princesses" and how we absolutely were not going to let our daughters be princesses. Boy they showed us, I am the mother of a self proclaimed "Princess Ballerina." I have rethought and decided it was a good thing if she wanted to be a princess after all Cinderella(Katy's favorite) has never been to rehab. It is Lindsay and Paris who I don't want her to know! Some of Katy's outfits remind of the country song, Trashy woman, "it's the cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig"

On a side note, that is a cute couch did you get new furniture?

At 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture! I am so glad that you guys took advantage of the beautiful weather yesterday!

At 10:30 PM , Blogger Johnny said...

Hey, every day it's a choice between a long sleeved dress or a short sleeved dress.


At 1:02 AM , Blogger Katie J said...

Lovely picture. Why can't the prince and the princess "rescue" or help each other? I think you do a super job and I'm sure your pretend play is awesome.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger wzgirl said...

I love that picture - and to hear about how your princess loves to run around in the dirt, too.

At 8:30 PM , Blogger Cavatica said...

Great picture. Nothing cuter than a worn out princess. My Snowflake hasn't found her own style yet. I hope I can handle princessdome with as much grace as you. Ulgh.

At 8:57 AM , Blogger LisaMM said...

How adorable. The picture makes me miss my babies. They are now 9 and 10 and long past the Princess stage.


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