
big purchases and midnight vomit

Warning: whiney post....

Just need to vent a little. Tis the season.. Like most folks, this time of year hits us hard in the wallet. But, on top of the usual expensive holiday hoopla, we decided to buy the little lady a "big girl bed" last weekend, since she's the monkey queen who climbs out of her crib EVERY NIGHT and climbs into her brother's bed. She has refused to sleep in the crib. She was well over due for a bed, but we were trying to hold off a little longer. At any rate, we bought the lady a bed so her brother could get some rest. Well, what broke yesterday - THE WASHING MACHINE. Great timing. OUCH! We could call a repair man, but the washer is a 15 yr old top loader that we bought in our first apartment before we were married (yes, we lived in sin). No repair person was called - a front loader is the way to go. Holy crap those suckers are expensive. Such bad timing. Bad, bad timing. But, our home now septic and well and the front loader is the wisest choice. Again, ouch on the price!

OK, we've settled on the washer and it's coming tomorrow - but what happened last night.... the boy had a case of MAJOR barfs (barfs - I'm using my medical terminology here). Oh my glory, we had vomit on...well, it would be easier to say where the vomit wasn't. Oiy vey! And of course, the hubster was working - so I was solo in my efforts to decontaminate the upstairs hall, bathroom, bedroom, boy and buckets. So why the vomit and big purchase post connection? Well, I have bags of barfed on stuff and no way to wash it - unless I want to haul the load to the creek, or worse, the laundromat. Mmmm, those items should be ripe by tomorrow when the washer comes in.

Crossing my fingers that this fun barf bug doesn't make its way into the rest of the family. Good times!


At 1:54 AM , Blogger Katie J said...

Oh, Tammy you're post isn't whiny, it's just telling it like it is. So sorry we're going to miss playing with you, but I hope to talk with you. Hope everyone is feeling better at your place soon.

At 1:28 AM , Blogger wzgirl said...

Oh yeah...Good Times. Yes, Good times.

How did your finals go, though? Better than the beginning of the barfy holidays, yes?

At 2:49 PM , Blogger Cavatica said...

Phew! By your description I can just about smell the puke from here! Hope the new washer is up to the chore. What a way to break it in!!!

At 8:49 AM , Blogger Promises to Keep said...

I am so sorry, ugh that is awful. I so wished I lived closer I would of washed or taken Allison for the day or something. I had both kids at the doctors this week and each with a round of antibiotics. Josh was home with his mom and dad cause he had the vomits too. So hopefully it won't happen to us! Hope everyone is feeling better for Santa!


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