
Could I have some cheese with that whine?

Warning: A bitchy post.

Let me start off by saying that I love my kids. They are awesome, but sometimes they can drive me up the wall. My son can be extremely stubborn (can't imagine where he gets that from, ahem), but that's a whole other post. This bitchfest is about my daughter's ability to make my ears bleed with her whining.

Allison is a sweet, jovial, loving girl. She cracks me up 95% of the day. But then there's the other 5% when she can whiiiiine like no one's business. Good Lord, it can drive me crazy (and that isn't a far drive either). She whines when she's tired, bored or when I'm preparing meals (and won't pick her up when I'm working at the stove). And did I mention the drama that accompanies the whining? Oh, what a marvelous combination. A recipe that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention - like nails on a chalkboard.

I try not to give into the whine-fest, but sometimes I do (like when I'm PMS-ing, and it's for everyone's benefit just to turn off the whining). Is there a pill for this? For me? UGH.

People have told me that girls just whine. I grew up in a female household - no men, just me, my two sisters and my mom. I don't remember the whining. But maybe the whiner doesn't remember whining. OMG, my poor Mom. Note to self: apologize to Mom.

So, is this true? Are girls just whiners? Lord help me if it's true. I think I'm putting ear plugs on my Santa list.

*A funny side story related to the whining: When the kids whine I will tell say to them "I can't understand you, I don't speak Whinese." Well, this weekend I had the kids in the car & we were leaving Target's parking lot and the guy behind me felt the need to honk his horn, 8 bazillion times, as if the traffic would part for me like the Red Sea. Anyhoo, Brent yells out, thinking the guy could hear him, "Hey mister, we don't speak Hornese." I don't know what cracked me up more, my son trying to defend his mom, or him saying the word Horney so innocently.



At 11:37 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

Hornese - now that's a funny one!! Anyway, hate to tell it to you, but Leah like to whine too. Must be a girl thing. Drives me nuts!

At 2:48 PM , Blogger Katie J said...

Hornese is so crazy funny. Yeah, Buttons whines too. And yes it drives me crazy. Drives. Me. Crazy.

At 6:59 PM , Blogger Joannah said...

I'm am laughing out loud! Ah, kids! ;-)

At 2:19 AM , Blogger wzgirl said...

Hornese - I LOVE that. And, whinese, too. Hilarious.

At 7:52 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

In our house the whiner is my son Drew. All you have to do is tell him no and it starts and he is 7 years old. It drives me nuts. Some days I feel like I'm going to just run away for the whinnnnnnning!!!! Hang in there woman you aren't alone!

Thanks for you good thoughts for my Mom. I'll e-mail you we need to get together soon!

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Cavatica said...

Good line, "I don't speak Whinese," and hilarious when you learn your son doesn't speak "Hornese"!!!! Fabulous! I wonder what other languages you'll learn about?


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